Oaken is designed for agribusinesses and their workflows. Discover how top agribusinesses, from farms to farmland managers and financial advisors, benefit from Oaken today.

Modern CRM for agribusinesses

image of Kassandra Rowland fleet service manager for Tom Farms. Leesburg IN USA
Oaken has taken worry from my life (when it comes to landpartners). I get notified by Oaken of all upcoming events, people I have not yet reached out to, contract renewals, and payments. Not only do I not miss out on anything, but it frees my mind to focus on getting more work done!
— Kassi Rowland (Tom Farms, Indiana)
Portrait of a woman with brown hair, smiling outdoors.
Our goal is to put things in place now that will help make an easier transition for our children down the road. Frank has spent the last thirty plus years building relationships within our community and finding a software system that will help us keep track of renewal dates, birth dates and other important anniversaries is what we were looking for
— Dot Hopkins (Hopkins Farms, Illinois)

Stay on top of your Agribusiness Relationships with Oaken

Today’s digital tools fail to manage complex relationships needed to grow agribusiness and can negatively impact a brand through:

  • Lack of control over landowner relationships

  • No historical visibility across relationships

  • Wasted time on admin tasks

  • Siloed and unmanageable data

Contact Us

Oaken streamlines communications, document management, and payments between landowners and growers.